I have worked in private practice in the Ottawa area for more than 20 years, providing assessment and psychotherapy for people suffering with chronic depressive illnesses, often as a result of childhood and/or adult traumatic events. I have trained more than 10 Psychologists in The Royal’s APA/CPA accredited Internship/Residency Program – this training included psychotherapeutic strategies for chronic depression and posttraumatic stress syndromes and in the use of psychometric and behavioural assessment approaches across most Axis I and Axis II diagnostic categories. I have been a secondary or primary supervisor for eight psychologists as part of their registration process with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO).
I retired from the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (now called The Royal) in September 2016, where I provided assessment and therapeutic services for chronically depressed outpatients in the Mood Disorders program and I provided inpatient assessment services for people with chronic and complex psychiatric disorders. I also worked for 6 years (2010-2016) on a multi-disciplinary team at a specialized clinic at The Royal, called the Operational Stress Injury Clinic, which is funded by Veterans Affairs Canada and serves mainly Canadian Forces Veterans and RCMP members.
Currently, my private practice is focused on treating military veterans and still serving RCMP members. I do a limited amount of work with other clients and only consider referrals from known sources.
Email me: rbialik@westottawapsych.com